About us

The beginning

The association was founded February 26th 2007 as a result of the initiative of youth associations in Krapina Zagorje County. In fact, since 2005, several youth organizations that operate in the territory of the county recognized the need for a better presentation of the problems and programs of the youth to the public, lobbying for the needs of young people and changes in public policies and making County youth programs, which will be implemented by other associations and government. Youth Program of Krapina Zagorje County was adopted July 11th 2006 and a few months later also was founded Network of associations Zagor, which today brings together 15 associations of youth and represents their interests in public.

Zagor defined programs and directions in which it operates, including the area of ​​advocacy and participation of association in decision-making processes.

Mission and Vision


Activating, developing and using individual skills of young people in order to find new and effective solutions to social challenges. Developing cross-sectoral cooperation in order to strengthen the capacity of Association in the development of programs and projects and to create a better environment for civil society organizations. Strengthening civil society organizations in order to strengthen local communities.


Encouraging, creating and designing creative thinking and actions to improve the social life in Krapina Zagorje County.


The goals of the Network of Associations Zagor:

• The expansion of youth culture and encouraging dialogue among young people in Croatia and abroad;

• Coordinating and connecting associations in Krapina Zagorje County, also the creation and implementation of common projects and strengthening the capacity of organizations, not just a members of Zagor but also other civil society organizations and to provide support to the development of civil society;

• Advocating for the rights and interests of young people and other citizens in Croatia and for peace, freedom and democracy as the fundamental principles of human society;

• The commitment to partnership between the associations of Krapina Zagorje County and cross-sectoral cooperation;

• Implementation of the Youth Programme of Krapina Zagorje County.

• Encouraging the development of volunteerism and active participation in the community;

• Promoting social enterprising as a form of self-employment, sustainability and self-financing of the associations.

• The development of civil society and local communities;

• Promoting non-formal education and lifelong learning;

• The development of active citizenship and social capital in local communities

• Promoting and strengthening inter-sectoral cooperation

• Providing opportunities for young people to spend quality time.

The goals of the programs of Network of Association Zagor: The development of civil society and inter-sector cooperation: the goals of this program are the creation of an enabling environment and the equalization of regional development of civil society in Croatia, the development of active citizenship and social capital in local communities, and promoting and strengthening inter-sectoral cooperation. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and connect citizens, especially young people with civil society organizations. 

Volunteer Program VolontirAJMO: the goals of this program are to contribute to social development, the development of civil society in the Krapina Zagorje County, promote and support the development of volunteering and to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations who are organizing volunteering. The aim is to promote volunteerism among the youth and citizens of all ages.

The Center for Youth: the goals of this program are ensuring opportunities for young people to spend quality time, improve the quality of life of young people in local and regional community, supporting civil society organizations through their own capacities activities (technical assistance) as well as the implementation of the Youth Programme of Krapina Zagorje County at the local level.

The Association's activities

The Association operates on the level of Krapina Zagorje County and on the national and European level

• Preparation and implementation of projects for the protection and realization of rights and interests of young people and other citizens in Croatia, especially in the Krapina Zagorje County;

• Provide information, consultation and training for the civil society organizations;

• Providing technical support and other forms of support members and other civil society organizations;

• Advocacy, participation in public policy;

• Publishing (publishing of books, flyers, posters, brochures, multimedia (CD, DVD) and other types of promotional printed materials) in accordance with the law;

• The organization of public events (concerts, exhibitions, cinema projections, discussions, lectures, courses, seminars, events, competitions and other cultural, environmental, IT and information facilities);

• Gathering of citizens, especially young people who wish to engage in cultural, ecological, scientific, information, social action and help them;

• Working with other organizations at home and abroad in order to promote international dialogue and introducing young people to the historical and cultural heritage of the Krapina Zagorje County.

• Participation in the preparation and implementation of plans and programs of culture in the Krapina Zagorje County;

• Implementation of the Youth Programme of Krapina Zagorje County

• The implementation of prevention programs and projects;

• Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations;

• Encouraging the emplementation of structured dialogue between youth and decision makers

• Other activities that contribute to achieving the goals of the Association;


Membership in the Network Association Zagor can be full membership, associate membership and honorary membership.

Full member of the Network Association Zagor is youth associations who fullfill certain requirements. The terms and conditions for regular membership in the current year depends on the fulfillment of the conditions in the last two years. The conditions are: minimum of two years involved in the implementation of projects/activities of Zagor, (participation in workshops, public meetings and other activities organized by Zagor or partners) in last year: participation by a minimum one Representative member at each meeting and the Assembly last year. Terms of membership are also the obligations of members: professional secrecy, contribution to the reputation of the association with their work in Network of Association Zagor and respect the provisions of the law, the Statute and general acts of the Network of Association Zagor. Any member can be full membership or associate membership and reverse.

Associate members of the Network of Association Zagor is any association, especially youth associations who fulfill certain requirements. Conditions for Associate membership: participation minimum one representative on the activities of the association and/or partnership on projects or meetings. Terms of membership are also the obligations of members: professional secrecy, contribution to the reputation of the association with their work in Network of Association Zagor and respect the provisions of the law, the Statute and general acts of the Network of Association Zagor. Any member can be full membership or asociate membership and reverse.

Honorary member of the Network of Associations Zagor can be a person, institution or organization that is not registered in the Krapina-Zagorje County, and its work has helped the development of Zagor. Honorary member can be any natural persons, institutions or organizations in the Krapina-Zagorje County and in the Croatia who helped develop the work of the Network of Associations Zagor. Honorary member is an advisory function. Terms of membership are also the obligations of members: professional secrecy, contribution to the reputation of the association of Zagor and respect the provisions of the law, the Statute and general acts of the Zagor.

New members of the Network of Association Zagor can be any youth organizations in Krapina Zagorje County, which plans to participate or implement projects of Youth Programme of Krapina Zagorje County and to cooperate in the implementation of projects together with the members. The entry of new members into the Network of Associations Zagor performs the following procedure: submit a written request of accession. Making a decision about full regular members have to be by consensus. A decision may be taken at the meeting, the assembly or by e-mail (printed transcript as evidence). In the case of admission, the new member shall submit to the office of the Network of Association Zagor signed application form, a copy of the decision of the association, a copy of the identity card of the authorized representative, a copy of the Statute and the assembly's decision on the accession of the Network of Association Zagor. By becoming a member, the new member becomes a associate member until it meets the requirements for full membership regularly.

Decision on full regular members, regular members and honorary members brings coordination. Records on the regularity and conditions of membership leads Coordinator that revises membership before the first meeting / assembly at the beginning of each year.

Founders and members Network of Association Zagor

Associations Infodrom and Zefra are no longer registrated.

Partners and Associates

  • Krapinsko-zagorska County
  • Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Krapina
  • Center for prevention of addiction of Krapina Zagorje County
  • Family center of Krapina Zagorje County
  • Gymnasium A.G. Matos Zabok
  • High School Zlatar
  • Police Department of Krapina Zagorje County
  • Center for civil initiatives
  • Red Cross Zabok
  • Zagorje development agency
  • Library K.Š.Gjalskog Zabok
  • Volunteer Center Zagreb
  • CESI Zagreb
  • ACT group
  • The Association for sustainable development in Croatia, Koprivnica
  • Municipality Krapinske Toplice
  • Elementary school K. Š. Gjalski Zabok
  • City of Zabok
  • Association „Our Children” Zabok
  • The Association IMAGINE
  • Association of psychologists of Krapina-Zagorje County
  • Municipality of Bedekovčina 

Sponsors, donors and supporters

  • European Union
  • The National Foundation for Civil Society Development
  • Krapina Zagorje County
  • Co-operation Netherlands Foundations for Central and Eastern Europe
  • Agency for mobility and EU programmes
  • Erste Bank Zabok
  • Foundation Zamah
  • LOGO Graphic services
  • Radio Zabok
  • Radio hrvatsko Zagorje Krapina
  • Radio Zlatar
  • Zagorski list
  • Center for Civic Initiatives
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
  • The Human Rights Office of the Croatian Government
  • Ministry of science, education and sport
  • The Ministry of Social Policy and Youth


Network of associations Zagor is the beneficiary of institutional support to the National Foundation for civil society development for stabilization and/or development of the Association